Worship times
Sunday School – 9:15 am (lower level classrooms)
Morning Service – 10:30 am (worship center)
Evening Service – 6:00 PM (Discipleship class in fellowship hall)
Bible Study – 6:30 PM (FELLOWSHIP HALL)
Spanish service – Grace and Truth Baptist 12:15 Sunday (WORSHIP CENTER)
Tuesday 7:30 PM Spanish bible study
for more information on the Spanish ministry contact
Pastor Valentin Alvarez – 843-312-0088
Office Hours:
from 10:am to 2:pm.
Carol Neumann
Church Office Number:
(843) 553-4186
Church Location & Address:
Ladson S.C. 29456
Church email:
In the case of emergency please contact our pastor or Deacon chairman
Pastor Chris Woodie
- Cell Phone: (843)-568-5458
- Email: pastorwoodie@gmail.com
- Deacon Chair Harold Syfrett 843-607-2167