We are currently looking to fill the position of Ministry Assistant, Miss Carol Neumann is planning her much deserved retirement and we are in need of someone who loves the Lord and serving HIS Church! Carol has given many years of faithful service and will be sorely missed in her position! 
All persons interested in serving the Church in this position should submit their resume to Tall Pines Baptist Church,  645 Treeland dr. Ladson, SC. 29456


Reverend Chris Woodie Serves as Pastor.
Pictured along side Chris is his wife Sheri and their daughter Beth. Chris lives in the Goose Creek area. Beth operates the church’s Audio Visual Center and serves as VBS director, and Mrs. Sheri serves as the Sunday School Director  
Mrs. Carol Neumann, Serves as  Chruch Secretary.
Tall Pines is thankful to have Mrs. Carol Serve in this roll , her Corporate background and involvement in the life of Tall Pines Baptist Church and the Screven Association is a great benefit to Tall Pines Baptist
Mrs. Samantha Robinson serves as Ministry assistant as well as WOM leader, we are very blessed to have Samantha serving along side of Harold Syfrett and Carol in our church office.
 Mrs. Cathy Wilkinson is our pianist and a valued member of our family